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He has two cats, but apart from them, takes care of all hotel guests for animals, "Basil" in Lomna-Las. The owner of these sites is the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the sixties, doctors there conducted neurological experiments on animals. Such experiments on dogs and cats, fortunately, are no longer prohibited. Rocki Boguslaw has leased the area and has prepared an existing paddocks for the needs of guests:
hotel Foundation for animals is expensive. We had to invest our savings in the modernization of the area. Keeping a pet hotel business seasonal variation. The largest movement starts in the summer holidays - sometimes in July and August there is no accommodation. Places are crowded during holidays and vacation. Some people leave their wards at the weekends, but that sporadic cases. It happens that the animals can not travel by plane or waiting to earn the relevant documents. Here you will find that they need care during this time.
resort is guarded around the clock, but we work from 8.00 to 16.00 Monday to Saturday, and Sunday from 8.00 to 12.00. Subsistence expenses are dependent on the pet's size: for small animals - birds, turtles, guinea pigs sea, the rats were 15 zł per night, 25 zł for dachshund, cat, ferret, rabbit, chinchilla, miniature schnauzer 30 for medium, 35 for a German Shepherd and 40 for the Caucasus. We
eighteen places for cats and fifty-six seats for dogs. Pets are allowed at the hotel can take one day or several months. The longest we stayed a dog, a lady fell seriously ill and could not look after him. Therefore decided to pay for taking care of him for half a year. There are cases that the owners do not want to pick up abandoned us animals. Once we have failed, despite threats of court and police, forcing the owner to pick up your dog. He was with us three months, up by advertisements in the newspaper find his owners. We do not accept stray animals, although we help foundations involved in finding homes for animals from shelters. We also provide services for transport companies. We had a few pets in the hotel who were waiting for transport abroad.
At this time in the hotel resting cats, several dogs and a rabbit. Apart from these, we hosted the ferrets, chinchillas, prey and steppe turtles, guinea pigs, rats, birds, fish and monkey apes białonosego - fig. In his catwalk was a swing, a pole with ropes. She liked to drink water with raspberry juice and biscuits to eat the rabbit. Kids from a nearby village just after the holidays finite whole classes came to see her. In my presence nursed her cherries from our tree. Figa ate the first pit, and then to the flesh.
There are here about all kinds of different races, sometimes strange names, from Halutanu, ie gas inhalation anesthetic, the common Azores, and the entire litters with names ending with alcohol. Today, the owner comes after Badiego, and the name means the species of hard, exotic wood used for flooring.
Leaving a pet in the hotel does not mean that he will be living in a room with leather sofas and a TV. Our hotel guests are guaranteed several meters, brick, heated in winter accommodation from the breeding ground, a wooden floor and a private range, full board - once a day with cans of minced meat and the clock access to water and dry food. They also have veterinary care and security. Cats in their paddocks may climb the tree stumps and branches, which are intentionally equipped their locale.
Animals need large enclosures, so the hotel for them to be worn outside the city. If you want a hotel for all animals, apartments for cats should be kept away from the dog runs, at least thirty meters. The close presence of dogs would be extremely stressful for them. Just leased a large area in cities is very expensive and unattainable for me, a veterinarian. Besides the creation of hotels for the animals in the city is burdensome to the residents. Who endured the barking packs of dogs? Such activities should be kept away from human settlements. Hotels for animals also exist in large cities, and for some customers, this location is better, because they can betray your pet at any time by public transport. Directions to our facility is for non-motorized real expedition.
functioning of such institutions is justified only if it is connected to the veterinary services. Medical care for pets is essential. It happens that accept pets during treatment, but only with the disease is not threatening to others. We require that owner of documented vaccinations and deworming. Ensure you do not have fleas. Some clients entrust us to perform surgery, to pick up a pet after finishing rehabilitation. This prevents the dressing changes and clinic visits.
By institution prospered, and the animals have not longed for the owner, you must have interpersonal skills, must be able to give them an atmosphere of love. Animals can not deal with the layman. You need to have knowledge of their behavior, safety, nutrition, diseases, likes and dislikes. Can not This may also be an unbalanced, aggressively approaching the animal, or fear of them. And there are dangerous breeds of dogs to us. Once I was bitten, not by some beast, but the rabbit dachshund. He was scared, and I wanted to stroke him, so bite me.
Some animals have special culinary delight, which we learn from the owners and try to meet these demands, not to change the habits of your pet and pets to stay as pleasant as possible. One dog has to eat kajzerkę morning, another likes white cheese, milk and other drinks licks homogenized cheese. We had a ferret who adored purees for babies. Our guests leave the hotel replete healthy, deworming, not zapchleni, not bitten or unwanted pregnancies in females.
Cieczka light or heat introduces confusion in the company, but we can not discriminate between females and their ailments. We must stand barking and drooling rest, masculine part of the hotel guests. The unwanted pregnancy on site no way. Metal, high net does not allow the escape of animals. And those high-jumping and who like to escape and walk alone to run the grid on the ceiling.
The more the animal is left in our facility, the fewer misses. After the second event is associated now that is a state of transition, and its owner to show up here with certainty in a few days and take home. If we find that the animal is sad, hands him a treat, after two days adapts. It happens that the animal at the beginning of the stay does not eat hardly anything. Often this is because the owners opychają their clients just before bring them into our facility, following the saying - "there is like we are." No wonder that remain in the stomach treats are the reason for the lack of appetite. Often the owners leave their zwierzakom bowls, favorite pillow, which lying down in the home, toys, to have something of his own and do not longed so much. Sometimes, owners of more yearn for your pet - link vacation and come after him on the same day.
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