Friday, November 26, 2010

Pole Barn How Far To Space Posts

Poumnichat - Part Two.

"I want to know - whether to the world that I do ?"... a cry from the heart of many causes resonance response - "Yes, yes, yes, and me, and I !!"... - But what these words?

That all blogomirom discuss criticism, pats and humiliation "artists" - but now suddenly kamenty ...

already and want to ask - "You dance for money here - or the same for yourself?" Trading "of the text and photographs - or is it art?

I do not insist on the ultimate truth - but let's will not try to sit on two chairs. If the owner of the blog wants big response, attention, and active discussions - then he stupidly plow on my blog every day, looking really interesting, relevant, or attracts people to the deep / popular themes, or giving a maximum of knowledge and information - for real important and urgent, sorry for tavto. And it becomes a so-called "Thousender, having five hundred kamentov a day.

If the author - a free artist, all in the works and creation, then spreading the results of his labors - he shares. Gives. Inspires, nor asking for a drop of impact - it if it comes to that, the returns-and no interest - By sending a post to the publication, he had the whole head in a new project. And then the question does not arise and that "many, how many people prokamentilo me today? oh, just three in the letter box?? Well, that FIGS you, nothing else will write, delete all, no one understands me ...". This author - himself an evil Buco, because closing the "pipe" from one end, not giving - he did not expect from the flow of inspiration.

And it really is not born in the process of reading the laudatory odes and songs admiring the minstrels in kamentah - and in my head. In the heart, the soul. In the creative department of the brain.

And then - imagine a life that's now such a popular author. His box is hammered. His time is subject to the blog rather than a blog - art. His work is all - for the sake of the blog! Think about it! Do you really want it? ...

authors have achieved popularity of the first type, and remaining at the same time the true creators, here, on blogs, you can count on your fingers. And if you look closely - The very first of their posts are not screaming for attention. As the last - they just work hard. Spread the results. Fall - but mostly hang out in a few kamentah.

Because they are doing. And do not buy attention.

for nothing claiming


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