Totally bragging and that's it - and let the entire world can wait!
So, bragging number of times:
No, no, do not think it's not me! ))) This is my first blogovsky SIF obtained from Olga - a perfect and an amazing set rukodelnyh jewelry, even I would say!
Somehow, magically, Olga managed to embody all of my favorite moments in one set - the colors, combinations, figures - And rokokoshnye roses?! Died on the spot!
Olga, the endless and very hot thanks! If the last month, my head was buzzing from the thoughts of my PIFochkah - now she abruptly swollen)) But I'll try not to put up a good and gave you a dignified manner! ))
But bragging number two - everything else in a parcel sitting here this here krohotulny ditenysh - my heart number two for this evening))
- cheerful attractive face, surprisingly pleasant to hold in their hands "boots" - when I, when ... Ah ... However, at first I enjoyed it a miracle - and we'll see))
and shameless bragging number three - I finally did it! "
So long wanted - even wonder why not take it earlier? All about everything it took three hours - was unspeakable fun!
For sim bows and thank all who shared with me today my joy! ))
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