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According to the survey, as many as 60 percent. Poles believe that the poor African countries are entitled to assistance. But only 4 percent. one of us agrees that Poland should be jointly responsible for this assistance. Wojciech
Spirewski / 2005-05-08
happens that a mediocre work of art contains a small element, saving the entire project. Although the famous film by Roland Emmerich The Day After Tomorrow "about a new ice age (which hits the northern hemisphere of the globe) can be found a little finesse and artistry of the film (except for special effects), is the unequivocal criticism saves him panic escape the scene," American refugees, crossing the Mexican border to the Rio Grande river in the hope of refuge before the catastrophic storm approaching from the north and glaciation. Sanctuary turns out to be the southern part of the globe, the territories of the Third World.
terms 'Third World' is used interchangeably with the term "developing countries". Growing? So we can say about Albania, but in many countries in Africa, even Ethiopia, this statement is not in place.
When the eyes of the world are facing the Middle East, as the unstable situation, albeit in another form, there is a various parts of Africa. Failing states do not constitute a threat to us because of his mediocre military capabilities, economic or organization, their activities do not have a major impact on the level of security in Europe or America - to time. "The risk to refrain from taking action today is too big to human reason and conscience are not rebelled against the idle" - Zygmunt Bauman writes. Reason tells protect their works, security and peace of mind. A conscience?
Carla Del Ponte, Chief Prosecutor of the Hague Court of the United Nations War Crimes in former Yugoslavia is adamant that "the Sudanese Darfur is now the most important. There are committing a crime against humanity. " Almost at the same time in one country comes to the peace agreements (South Sudan), and intense conflict, called the greatest humanitarian catastrophe of the modern world (Darfur Province). Wojciech Jagielski wrote in a reportage from Darfur in "Gazeta Wyborcza": "Forward, Arab nomads on horses and camels surrounded villages, but usually only attack if they perform their job of pilots and gunners deck military helicopters and airplanes. Air attack is a signal for the commencement of murder, rape and looting. " BBC journalist who managed to reach one of the centers for the refugees, she wrote: "Darfur is a nightmare dream, which became a reality." Janina Ochojska described in the "TP" misery and despair of the Sudanese people from this province, where conflict has claimed over 50,000 victims, and some 1.5 million forced to leave their native land.
murder in Darfur takes place with the acquiescence and even support of the Sudanese Government. Significantly, this act of horrific carnage is almost absent in the minds of our society. Where the voices calling for Western intervention in Sudan? This massacre shows relativism in the approach to crime.
Darfur is not the only one. To the horrific acts of violence occur even in a (bordering on the south of Sudan), the Democratic Republic of Congo. After last year's reports of one of the humanitarian organizations to investigate this issue initiated the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Stories about throwing people into the boiler and pulling them to heart or liver for consumption appear to be at least distasteful fantasy, or the history of ancient times, but in this country operates openly cannibalism.
The ranking socio-economic development, which is developing a program of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Poland is on the 37th place among 177 countries surveyed. We are one of the twenty-five members of the organization with significant potential and ability to shape global policy - the European Union.
"Poland can afford to help," - said in November last year, the former head of our diplomacy Cimoszewicz. He supported the same action "Poland is a paradise for more than one billion poorest people of the world", an initiative by all means necessary and useful. At the start of that program, conducted opinion polls. As one result, as much as 60 percent. Poles believe that poor African countries are entitled to assistance, but only 4 percent. agrees that Poland should be jointly responsible for this assistance.
These are the main source of the problem, and not just in this particular case, but in many omissions stifling the activity of Polish society - avoidance and shifting responsibility to others. We can not too strongly the activities of international organizations, but through its policy initiatives and programs can lead to the transformation of statements into tangible results. The forces we have limited, but we are not deprived of voting rights.
policy in their own region should be a priority, but we can not defend itself against the global order. Global dimension should also be our sense of morality and solidarity. Humanitarian operations are a clear point of our involvement, many countries contributes to peace, among others supporting the "blue berets" the UN - it's all a lot, but still not enough.
It is worth reminding yourself that passionate advocate of aid to African countries John Paul II was. Surprising that only 4 percent. Poles are prepared to follow the teaching of the Pope.
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