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Rzeczpospolita: All indications are that the documents relating to cooperation with Lech Walesa, SB were falsified. Journal conducted an investigation into this matter. In Poland and Norway.
Walesa made contact with a former high-ranking officer of the SB, who worked on the falsification of documents relating to Walesa.
Several weeks ago with Lech Walesa in touch e-malilowy one of the former SB officers, highly secured to the structure of the then Ministry of Interior.
forgery of documents incriminating the leader of "Solidarity" dealt with a few people specgrupa established in the Interior Ministry headquarters. Carried out at least two actions - the "Ambassador" and "the Committee".
According to Rzeczpospolita, the first was to send to the Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw prepared documents attesting that Walesa was a secret agent SB. In the second and sent the fakes to the Nobel Committee in Oslo. One person falsifying documents no longer alive - it's Major Joseph B.
"Rom searched the archives in Poland and Norway. To no avail. Former Ambassador Kare Daehlen admits, however, in an interview with Rzeczpospolita ":" I remember in the early 80s still would get anonymous documents. Approached them very carefully. "
According to the "Government" is still a source which can store fakes on Walesa. It's the Nobel Committee in Oslo.
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