Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Wrestling For Fun на ютубе

Oral sex fondling a young and beautiful couples

He has two cats, but apart from them, takes care of all hotel guests for animals, "Basil" in Lomna-Las. The owner of these sites is the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the sixties, doctors there conducted neurological experiments on animals. Such experiments on dogs and cats, fortunately, are no longer prohibited. Rocki Boguslaw has leased the area and has prepared an existing paddocks for the needs of guests:

hotel Foundation for animals is expensive. We had to invest our savings in the modernization of the area. Keeping a pet hotel business seasonal variation. The largest movement starts in the summer holidays - sometimes in July and August there is no accommodation. Places are crowded during holidays and vacation. Some people leave their wards at the weekends, but that sporadic cases. It happens that the animals can not travel by plane or waiting to earn the relevant documents. Here you will find that they need care during this time.

resort is guarded around the clock, but we work from 8.00 to 16.00 Monday to Saturday, and Sunday from 8.00 to 12.00. Subsistence expenses are dependent on the pet's size: for small animals - birds, turtles, guinea pigs sea, the rats were 15 zł per night, 25 zł for dachshund, cat, ferret, rabbit, chinchilla, miniature schnauzer 30 for medium, 35 for a German Shepherd and 40 for the Caucasus. We

eighteen places for cats and fifty-six seats for dogs. Pets are allowed at the hotel can take one day or several months. The longest we stayed a dog, a lady fell seriously ill and could not look after him. Therefore decided to pay for taking care of him for half a year. There are cases that the owners do not want to pick up abandoned us animals. Once we have failed, despite threats of court and police, forcing the owner to pick up your dog. He was with us three months, up by advertisements in the newspaper find his owners. We do not accept stray animals, although we help foundations involved in finding homes for animals from shelters. We also provide services for transport companies. We had a few pets in the hotel who were waiting for transport abroad.

At this time in the hotel resting cats, several dogs and a rabbit. Apart from these, we hosted the ferrets, chinchillas, prey and steppe turtles, guinea pigs, rats, birds, fish and monkey apes białonosego - fig. In his catwalk was a swing, a pole with ropes. She liked to drink water with raspberry juice and biscuits to eat the rabbit. Kids from a nearby village just after the holidays finite whole classes came to see her. In my presence nursed her cherries from our tree. Figa ate the first pit, and then to the flesh.

There are here about all kinds of different races, sometimes strange names, from Halutanu, ie gas inhalation anesthetic, the common Azores, and the entire litters with names ending with alcohol. Today, the owner comes after Badiego, and the name means the species of hard, exotic wood used for flooring.

Leaving a pet in the hotel does not mean that he will be living in a room with leather sofas and a TV. Our hotel guests are guaranteed several meters, brick, heated in winter accommodation from the breeding ground, a wooden floor and a private range, full board - once a day with cans of minced meat and the clock access to water and dry food. They also have veterinary care and security. Cats in their paddocks may climb the tree stumps and branches, which are intentionally equipped their locale.

Animals need large enclosures, so the hotel for them to be worn outside the city. If you want a hotel for all animals, apartments for cats should be kept away from the dog runs, at least thirty meters. The close presence of dogs would be extremely stressful for them. Just leased a large area in cities is very expensive and unattainable for me, a veterinarian. Besides the creation of hotels for the animals in the city is burdensome to the residents. Who endured the barking packs of dogs? Such activities should be kept away from human settlements. Hotels for animals also exist in large cities, and for some customers, this location is better, because they can betray your pet at any time by public transport. Directions to our facility is for non-motorized real expedition.

functioning of such institutions is justified only if it is connected to the veterinary services. Medical care for pets is essential. It happens that accept pets during treatment, but only with the disease is not threatening to others. We require that owner of documented vaccinations and deworming. Ensure you do not have fleas. Some clients entrust us to perform surgery, to pick up a pet after finishing rehabilitation. This prevents the dressing changes and clinic visits.

By institution prospered, and the animals have not longed for the owner, you must have interpersonal skills, must be able to give them an atmosphere of love. Animals can not deal with the layman. You need to have knowledge of their behavior, safety, nutrition, diseases, likes and dislikes. Can not This may also be an unbalanced, aggressively approaching the animal, or fear of them. And there are dangerous breeds of dogs to us. Once I was bitten, not by some beast, but the rabbit dachshund. He was scared, and I wanted to stroke him, so bite me.

Some animals have special culinary delight, which we learn from the owners and try to meet these demands, not to change the habits of your pet and pets to stay as pleasant as possible. One dog has to eat kajzerkę morning, another likes white cheese, milk and other drinks licks homogenized cheese. We had a ferret who adored purees for babies. Our guests leave the hotel replete healthy, deworming, not zapchleni, not bitten or unwanted pregnancies in females.

Cieczka light or heat introduces confusion in the company, but we can not discriminate between females and their ailments. We must stand barking and drooling rest, masculine part of the hotel guests. The unwanted pregnancy on site no way. Metal, high net does not allow the escape of animals. And those high-jumping and who like to escape and walk alone to run the grid on the ceiling.

The more the animal is left in our facility, the fewer misses. After the second event is associated now that is a state of transition, and its owner to show up here with certainty in a few days and take home. If we find that the animal is sad, hands him a treat, after two days adapts. It happens that the animal at the beginning of the stay does not eat hardly anything. Often this is because the owners opychają their clients just before bring them into our facility, following the saying - "there is like we are." No wonder that remain in the stomach treats are the reason for the lack of appetite. Often the owners leave their zwierzakom bowls, favorite pillow, which lying down in the home, toys, to have something of his own and do not longed so much. Sometimes, owners of more yearn for your pet - link vacation and come after him on the same day.

Friday, June 3, 2005

Go-kart Dune Buggy Blueprints

See Christina Aguilera's big breasts

Biographers often analyze complex personality through the prism of Dean uneasy childhood. Born February 8, 1931, spent the first years of life in the relative stability that ensured the family's father - a dental technician. But at age 8 orphaned by his mother goes to education for relatives and trauma, which then survives, cast a shadow over his later life. Short, bespectacled filigree is a tough kid, but at the same time - contrary to the physical weakness - is the star of the basketball team. Then he goes on to study law but quickly abandoned them for acting. Begins standard: episodes in the cinema and television advertising. The breakthrough is moving to New York City and education at the legendary Actors Studio. And then two performances at Broadway theaters: in the "See the Jaguar" and "Immoraliście. This last piece that makes the young actor gets the call for a screen test from Elia Kazan, who starts shooting "East of Eden" by the last part of the great saga of John Steinbeck. The role of Cala Trask Dean opens the door to fame. Already during the premiere of hysterical teenage audience reacts to his every appearance on screen. In the same season, almost simultaneously, playing three main roles. The second is Jim Nicholas Ray film in a prophetic title of "Rebel Without a Cause." Third, the figure Jetta Rink in "Giant," George Stevens remains virtually infinite: Dean died in a car accident, and some scenes replaced by understudy. This disaster of 30 September 1955, made history. Just as silver porsche actor, whose remains were taken interests. But - ironically - it was the tragic death of Dean has brought a true immortality.

James Dean
The question is whether it justifies his acting craft? Canons of acting, such as canons of beauty change with time, but a distinctive style of play is placed outside the Dean's eras. Graduate of the Actors Studio, of course, derives from the famous Stanislavski and Strasberg's Method (complete identification the character played), but adds a lot more from each other. Not only elements of mime and expression of the silent film - primarily equips his characters in exhibitionism, which today may seem manieryczny, but still impresses with sincerity and strength. Dean always play the whole body, does not flinch from improvisation. Just as in the famous scene from "East of Eden" when Cal throws herself sobbing into the arms of his father, surprising him playing Raymond Massey (written by Dean had run out of room). The effect of spontaneous reaction of both actors was excellent. The Dean has identified a to such an extent with the character of Jim Stark in "Rebel Without a Cause" that moved to the screen his private lifestyle and the now famous "uniform": faded jeans, white shirt, short jacket. Since the beginning of his career he was also known that clears whole lot of dialogue, saying its own issues. Field to truly show off the acting gave him the role of the Jetta with the "Giant". But playing a rebellious young man first, then bitter old man is not the end of the call. The sequences of the 60-year-old Jette reflect on all the characterization and artificiality of the game, the actor, who clearly the problems lay not so advanced age group. What is most interesting characters played by him, applies directly to him and to his peers. It is primarily an outsider in conflict with the world of adults (Cal, Jim) and their own environment (Jett). None of these characters is not met in love and no one can find his place under the sun. Even success in life turns out to be only half (Jett). This "personal coherence," the actor and the roles played by him meant that it could be - forever - baptized as a "rebel without a reason."


Thursday, June 2, 2005

Nautical Painted Rooms

Nice chick with big cycuszkami

author himself admits that the idea for such a guide is original.

Why write about the Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace as it did thousands of people? - He says. The whole fun of it, to reach out to places less known to conceal the amazing stories. So it is with pieskimi monuments in Britain. They are often hidden and their stories are known only to a small circle of people. -It happened to me - says Kubisztal - that Kingston was looking for signs related to a dog's history. An employee of the local tourist office has acknowledged that he knew nothing, nor about history, or the plate. Meanwhile, the plate was located near the office-just around the corner.

mistake, however, those who think that the book is only for owners and admirers of dogs. Fascinating stories and mysterious legends and descriptions of unusual places, make immediately sucked into the book and begin to travel with the author. And if we get caught up in this trip, we'll find out where in the UK is the highest one mailbox, how to get to first in the world and situated in a London museum where gardening and took a typical English pub names.

Is it easy to get to pieskich history?

materials are, but you have to poke around them-the author admits. Material for the book is thus not only the fruit of years of travel, but also the hours spent in the British Library or the British lekturach writings devoted to the dogs. Even well-described space is not always easy to find: - Once I walked for hours in the cemetery, Skittering alley after alley. I was looking for a grave. He was old, neglected, ordinary, plain tombstone did not pay attention and find it required a bit of patience - says Kubisztal.

author, however, enough patience and thanks in the book you will find detailed descriptions of places and routes, about a web site and important addresses. Everything is so devised that the reader can reach the objects described here. Paul Kubisztal wanted the book was a real tour - led from place to place. -Publisher complained to me that too little written about Ireland - betrays. - The problem is that in Ireland there are many legends and stories associated with stripes, but few specific places and monuments. And when it does not describe something that you really can see, the book stops be a guide and stories of becoming.

But how unusual idea? It turns out that he was born in stages. It started with my magazine reading for the dog. The author - a journalist and photographer - the first piece described the Dog legends and places from the British Isles. In this way, would not only tell stories, but also - as he says - to change the attitude of Poles to the dogs. - I wrote mainly about the UK, where the dogs he loves and spoils - perhaps to a fault. But I wanted to (a drop hollows out rock) show that the dog can not spend my life on the meter chain chained to a doghouse.

At some point, decided to collect the accumulated stories and publish a book.

The texts that were already replied yet other stories, supplemented with practical advice and started looking for a publisher. Was it easy to find a publisher who is interested in such an unusual title? Kubisztal says, the publisher actually had resistances, then wondered what to do with the bookstores: they put in sections devoted to animals, or rather between the conductors. But in the end gave up and see two weeks ago saw the light of Dog Island Daily.

now slowly author reflects on the translation of the book and release it to the English market. The British themselves do not yet earned because of his pieskiego Guide to the British Isles. Who knows, you may get it from the Pole?

* Paul Kubisztal

He is 40 years old and although it is an economist by training, with the economy already has little in common. He lives with writing and photography circling between the Polish and the UK.

once worked in a bank. All the time, however, a passion for photography. Winning an award in one of these calls resulted in the cast - as he says - A boring job and took up what he likes most. At the start, admits it was not easy, but a reluctance to return to work "at his desk," meant that stubbornly fought for the opportunity to earn a living with their artwork.

From then took photos of the illustrated guides for Poland, not only to architectural magazines. He also wrote to the Krakow Polish Daily, Meetings of the Monuments, the cross section and several other magazines including, of course, to my dog.

Then he took up a book. Has already issued a guide to the vicinity of Krakow, then a guide to "Pieskich Islands." Any day now and will be a guide to the right bank of Krakow, which is co-author.
is associated with London for many years. Come here while still a student, then, in the mid-90s, arrived a few years to write and photograph. He now lives in his hometown of Krakow, but London is still the case. In the last year and two years ago he exhibited his pictures in the gallery POSK and - as he says - perhaps one day will arrive here on a permanent basis.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

How To Make A Rc Weed Wacker Boat

taken on curious what this beast can

Quirkyalone (QA) is alone but not lonely. Do not be shy, zakompleksiony. On the contrary - an attractive, active, engaged in the social, artistic, pursues his passions, has no friends. From the rest of society differs only in that there is no partner.

QA accepts a stable relationship, provided that it will support, rather than reducing self-realization. Being with someone is for him a value in itself. If the relationship does not meet his expectations, he prefers to do something for themselves - if only to learn Chinese. At this might end up, if not intuition, which suggests that this picture is a second bottom. At what life is really alone choice? Is the ideology of QA may be the guise of protecting the value of people feeling deep inside broken? From a psychological point of view, the phenomenon of choice alone may conceal a variety of themes.

new philosophy determines the identity of people living alone and gives them a sense of belonging to equitable social group. This reduces frustration, anxiety and fear. The question is, how deep and durable is this change? QA philosophy, although he gives credit, does not extend to the sources of difficulties that make someone alone. It does not solve the internal conflicts that stand behind this.

The disadvantage apply, inter alia, a defense mechanism involving doszukiwaniu positives in it. It is called the mechanism of sweet lemon. It protects the "I", reduces anxiety, but in the long run is a kind of self-deception. It contributes to the maintenance of distorted interpretations of reality, and so distracts us from the truth about themselves and the opportunities to do something with what is difficult. It's more like analgesic effect than the antibiotic. It works temporarily and effectively, it is sometimes necessary. However, not fighting the real cause of the disease, and also reduces the motivation to deal with it.

It is easier to say to himself: "I'm not lonely, but alone by choice." It is more difficult to consult the emotions that generates life alone. However, only niezaprzeczanie the emotions and desires gives us an opportunity to identify the causes of the problem and the emergence of motivation for change, for internal research.

alleged to justify the choice, we have to use another defense mechanism - the mechanism of denial and devaluation. One of the allegations QA philosophy says that we should not be associated with someone just to avoid loneliness. This brings to mind the devaluation of the mechanism of something that seems unattainable, and his heart desired. QA philosophy devalues \u200b\u200bthe traditional relationships in the name of an unattainable ideal - a complete fusion of souls. The real relationship, with the best will on both sides, means the inevitable compromises, reducing capacity and daily conflicts. Is this a reason to abandon it?

Does QA have such high standards of personal, that he prefers solitude than any restrictions? It seems that they are rather quirkyalones pseudoniezależne person, a narcissistic personality trait - And therefore, those on the outside they present themselves as independent, while their self-esteem is dependent on an outside view. Show around its false image of someone perfekcjonistycznego and omnipotentnego. They believe that the only way may be approved by the environment. This applies to a prestigious profession or choice of branded products, and partner selection. The real cause of avoidance of real relationships not care about the level of fulfillment, but fear of rejection by other children. So better to be alone than to live in a relationship that does not fit the images of the alleged environmental requirements. A person identifying himself with the QA elect prestigious job and lifestyle, because these areas to a large extent be controlled. Professional relationship with some quirkyalones deal, choosing professions. Partner is someone separate, you can not control it, and the relationship with him remains a constant threat to the image QA.

Walmart Buddah Necklace

Experienced dupeczka with an earring

the media interest is also evident in other papers. Earlier video-essay, "Premonition of Absurd Perversion in Sexual Personae Part One" is a return to primary sources of inspiration - the American "underground" literary and film. It is also an attempt to redefine the category borrowed from Kenneth Anger - fascinated by the male body, the pioneer of gay cinema. Maybury analyzed in a series of fascinating images of the process of fetishization of the male body, however, clearly indicating that the body is seen through the prism of technology. A similar problem occurs in "Remembrance of Things Fast" (1994) - another project on the borderline of film and video art. Familiar names appear: re Tilda Swinton, Rupert Everett and Aiden Brady - the star of pornographic films. The director does not treat them as actors, but rather as "images of bodies", included in flickering stream of remittances television. "Remembrance" is a far more radical project funded by the BBC's "Man to Man", proving once again that for Maybury film is primarily an art of image, but only in the second place - the story.

adopt a similar attitude in cinema, "Love is the Devil." Creator interested in it primarily to reconstruct the vision of Bacon - an eminent painter. The action takes place in the '60s and includes a relatively short episode related to the person of George Dyer - a lover and model of the artist. Commenting on his film Maybury pointed out that Dyer is rarely mentioned in studies of the painter and his biographies. Association of the artist dating from the margin of a young man in fact seemed to be too outrageous. This is what made the Maybury did not obtain permission to use the original images Bacon. In the film, do not watch them at all - appear on the screen just paintings "pretending" style of the artist, displayed in the background in the scene of the opening of the exhibition in Paris. The director, initially disappointed by the lack of sympathetic painter's heirs, treats constraints as a challenge: rather than show the finished work, the presentation focused on the process of their formation. Formed also the reality film in a way that suggests vulnerability Bacon painting. Some scenes are so - like scary vision of the artist - shown from a perspective that radically distorts reality. Maybury'emu managed to maintain consistency with this film, because the problem can not be arbitrary deformations of the director motivates the characters by showing the refractile glass or reflected in broken mirrors.


Sunday, May 29, 2005

Yulia Latyninaliberal Fundamentalism

tempting modeleczka shows piczkę

Rzeczpospolita: All indications are that the documents relating to cooperation with Lech Walesa, SB were falsified. Journal conducted an investigation into this matter. In Poland and Norway.

Walesa made contact with a former high-ranking officer of the SB, who worked on the falsification of documents relating to Walesa.

Several weeks ago with Lech Walesa in touch e-malilowy one of the former SB officers, highly secured to the structure of the then Ministry of Interior.

forgery of documents incriminating the leader of "Solidarity" dealt with a few people specgrupa established in the Interior Ministry headquarters. Carried out at least two actions - the "Ambassador" and "the Committee".

According to Rzeczpospolita, the first was to send to the Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw prepared documents attesting that Walesa was a secret agent SB. In the second and sent the fakes to the Nobel Committee in Oslo. One person falsifying documents no longer alive - it's Major Joseph B.

"Rom searched the archives in Poland and Norway. To no avail. Former Ambassador Kare Daehlen admits, however, in an interview with Rzeczpospolita ":" I remember in the early 80s still would get anonymous documents. Approached them very carefully. "

According to the "Government" is still a source which can store fakes on Walesa. It's the Nobel Committee in Oslo.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Corticosteroids Harmful For 5 Month Baby

Two horny chicks and one guy

Government, which created the office of Leszek Miller, should not, but probably will have to forego public expenditure rationalization plan, Deputy Prime Minister Jerzy Hausner. That is unfortunate. I can not imagine a majority in parliament, which will encourage further bills from the savings associated with Hausner social transfers. Virtually Hausner plan ended on four projects of laws which are in the Sejm, but no one knows what will be their final shape, because they are only after the first reading. It is therefore unlikely that this program was implemented before new parliamentary elections. A post-election situation in the public finances will be even more difficult. You will have to apply drastic spending limit, but the layout is not the post-election promises to be sensational, will not be easy to create a parliamentary majority.

Miroslaw Gronicki, chief economist at Bank Millennium

Key Bills related to the Deputy Prime Minister Jerzy Hausner plan is already in the Sejm. Parliament can enact them in April. If that happened, rationalization of public expenditure would not be jeopardized. Another issue is whether the appointment of a new government comes to early parliamentary elections. If so, depending on who will cover the government, Hausner plan may be continued, modified or waived by far. However, any changes would require a lot of time associated with parliamentary procedure. If the Hausner plan was abandoned, would have prevented the disaster of public finances, but we would have more to borrow in financial markets. A loan would be more expensive.

Rafal Antczak, an expert CASE

This part of the Hausner plan, which concerns the state expenditure limits should be implemented by any government that emerges after the Cabinet of Leszek Miller. Hausner and part of the program, which applies to tax increases, is harmful for the economy and it should not be put into effect. It is not known whether the new government will adopt in full the Hausner plan, whether it will modify, and if so, which side. Do you change the arrangements for expenditure restraint, which are insufficient to prevent the catastrophe of public finances?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

How To Make Sushi Yam Roll

She removed her pajamas and wants to be charged

Gazeta Wyborcza: The investigation, which was mentioned on Monday in the article "Gang Headquarters" exists. File in the signature V DS 122/05 found yesterday Prosecution Service.

pulled them from the Warsaw Prokratury District, who conducted the case for over a month.

"Gazeta Wyborcza" emphasizes that the existence of such an inquiry, denied for two days, Deputy Interior Minister Andrzej Brachmański and police chiefs. The daily Brachmański probably lose the position.

Gazeta learned from sources in the prosecutor's office that the investigation had been initiated in corruption in tenders for the leasing of cars in the Police Headquarters. Official added that the acts of the proceedings appears previously described by her booty to the topic of trade attacks on trucks, including air conditioners, and weapons. Scroll up or the names of three people from the General Headquarters, who had to work with gangsters.

Piotr Stasinski in his commentary on the pages of "Gazeta Wyborcza" wonders about the behavior in the last days of Andrew Brachmanski. First, he denied that such an investigation even exists, and demanded an apology from the newspaper. Yesterday admitted that the investigation does exist, but only applies to one civilian employee of the command. In the end says, "Gazeta Wyborcza" broke ranks to its publication of the prosecution.

"Why Brachmański first reacted so hysterically in denial?" - Wonders Stasinski. "Did it go only to the reluctance of the political environment to" Newspapers "? You got to the more serious affair? Is Brachmański hoped that ukręci her head and why suddenly took a step? Is fear of resignation?" - Asks Peter Stasinski in Gazeta Wyborcza.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Combination To Casehard Locks

My wife has a fantastic breasts

Why Kieres he spoke, broke down the silence, which should accompany the work on the archives - Paul Wronski pomstował on TV, "Pulse." - Why and who is to serve today, after so many years, information about donosicielu?

Is this ethical muddle, or paralysis of thought? Comments playing down the denunciation, cooperation with special services, undermining the sense of remembering that due to the flow of time here most of the camp, which praises and promotes recent books like Polish informers to the German authorities during the occupation. Thus, accusing those who had more than sixty reported years ago, is just and beneficial, while those who reported twenty years ago to the security, is reprehensible. Tempest social peace, divides people, caters to low instincts.

still lack of symmetry in relation to value. - Why is the state allows to sell anti-Semitic publications? Ban, sue! - I read once again in the popular weekly magazine. But no one protested when the big media centers sold anti-Catholic, blasphemous weekly "No" or weekly "Facts and Thoughts." Not only that, the chief editor and owner of the "No" in one person, that Jerzy Urban, the main character is a prestigious television programs, for example, recently the Lisa "What about Polish" in Polsat. Somehow, for all it became normal that antyżydowskość objectionable, but anti-Catholicism is okay. There is even - as the Germans say - salonfaehig manner acceptable to the salons. And it's all meet up with a surprising indulgence in other media.

In the style of Stalin's propagandists

From whom it sailed to the media obstalunek? Suddenly, from day to day, was supposed to yet another attack on Radio Maryja. Like a radio station, which is barely paroprocentowy share in this market, was a real problem social. While it may be political, because it reveals some of the unspoken issues by the media. Or maybe it was a distraction from people uncomfortable issues at the moment?

order to discredit the broadcaster, pulled the case of the former Polish Honorary Consul in South America, very rich Kobylańskiego Polonia activist, who sponsors the Radio Maryja. Specialized in insinuations and pomówieniach against this radio journalist Jerzy Morawski sprokurował Kobylańskiego entire embarrassing story. Other media jumping about with a passion worthy of a better cause. Prosecutors cited in this campaign, but who turned out to be a party, I remain long in a personal dispute with Kobylańskim. Among the accusations mentioned his alleged, unproven never denuncjatorstwo during the war. He was accused also allegedly lied that he was a prisoner of Auschwitz, even though the historian of the Auschwitz Museum, Dr. Cyra published data from the camp's records, indicating that he had been imprisoned there.

long can multiply examples of omissions and distortions made by the media. Treated with remarkable forbearance by other media. Solidarity not only with the industry, but also because of the political arrangements, social, business. Emancipation of the media of these restrictions is an important element in the idea of \u200b\u200b"cleaning up of the Third Republic."

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Homemade Pontoon Rod Holder

Fair Clostridium

impression that prices have risen more than GUS, occurs when prices are rising precisely those goods that we buy most often. It turns out, for example, that the share of beef in our household budgets is 2 percent., And pork 3 percent.

in May compared to April beef has rocketed by 6.3 percent., But the pork has far less, because of 2.2 percent. One can certainly say that GUS methodology is more reliable than the feelings of customers. - Those price increases, which are currently seeing, no one predicted - said Przemyslaw Wozniak, an analyst at CASE. He added that all the reports you ordered Polish National Bank and the Ministry of Finance, did not take into account the effect associated with the high demand of EU consumers to our goods, which now dominate the increase in prices.

forecasts give out a few months ago as a major cause of any increase or decrease the price changes in indirect taxes, no one seriously took into account the fact that our products will throw the West contractors. Price of beef rises, because it is on high demand in the European Union. Polish customers complain, but the meat industry, which was in crisis, he begins to stand on his feet.

increased prices of construction materials. Prices rose by an average of 11 percent., But there are those whose price has gone up by 20-30 percent. Producers raised prices far more than would result from changes in the VAT rate.

Cigarettes are the only commodity of which we know that its price will increase on a regular basis. Cigarettes, alcohol fuel and power belong to the "harmonized" with the EU, where applicable minimum excise duty. The Polish government has negotiated with Brussels, several-year transition period to hike cigarette prices were mild smokers. In May cigarettes goods gained 1.7 percent. Much more, because by 5.6 percent., Increased fuel prices. Given the rapidly changing trading on world markets, it is difficult to predict anything. Housing rents and fees increased in May (on a per month) by 0.3 percent.

much, because about 0.4 percent., Rocketed też clothing and footwear, which is a surprise, because in a year in this group of articles maintained a downward trend (-3.4 percent).. It also appears that a wake so many emotions cars goods gained after our entry into the Union, only 0.8 percent.

biggest surprise to economists, the rise in inflation was recorded in May. None of them thought that it would be up 3.4 percent. According to forecasts from the Ministry of Finance in the summer months should be a reduction in the inflation rate.

Friday, May 20, 2005

3 Digit Luggage Combination Possibility

cool filmy Ostry sex with several Negroes

As reported by the agency of ATP leader of al-Qaida's $ 50 million is willing to disclose the place where he is hiding. Direct talks Secretary of State Colin Powell with bin Laden that resulted in recently established in the ruins of the Hamas leadership, should be considered a huge success of the Palestinian diplomacy.

world's most wanted terrorists for the said amount to indicate your current place of residence.

annex to that agreement includes a provision opening the way for further negotiations.

first $ 70 million for bin Laden, in addition to hiding in Afghanistan, is to betray the first four digits of your account and the fifth digit of the account.

second U.S. $ 90 million for al-Qaida leader also has to reveal four of the six shelters in Yemen and the Special Service of the Polish delegate details Commissioner Papały death.

third The package worth $ 110 million a terrorist reveals almost everything. Suppresses only the fifth digit of the account, shelter in lower Manhattan and address of the barber shop in Kabul, where he used to shave his beard, when it gets hot.

discuss the National Security Council. The votes are divided. Part of the Council definitely wants to know the fifth digit of the account, others want to hide it from them.

contrast, President hesitates. From what I know, it depends on a decent barber and one as a good hideout.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Nadine Jansen Commando 1

Naughty student wants from the back of the Beautiful

first time in the history of the Cup Russian team won the UEFA! Sporting's players suddenly did not seize the asset's own field, but after the first half of few people believed in the success of effective players in Moscow.

first installment of the Lisbon players much more frequently attacked, fired more shots, and they deservedly led. Competitors CSKA repeatedly shown that you will have to reckon with their fast kontrami, but not seriously threatened goalkeeper Ricardo.

As expected, first began to attack the hosts. Sporting players realized that they quickly scored goal uspokoiłaby game.
Already in the third
Barbosa broke minutes left, but after his dośrodkowaniu one of the partners failed to reach the ball and the defender knocked futbolówkę score for a corner.

W 9 Rochemback scored with a minute volley from outside the box, but the ball was flat high above the crossbar.

visitors first threatened goalkeeper Ricardo after a quarter - after dośrodkowaniu the right side is located on the 7th Metro Olic fired the head, but missed the goal light. After a while the active Olic Ricardo could surprise, but it was offside at a minimum. Russians from one minute to play more boldly, and Ricardo are not bored. In a rematch Sa Pinto hard shot from 20 meters, but Akinfeev defended in installments, and five minutes later Ignashevich could head to direct the ball into his own net ....

In 28 min. Jose Alvalade stadium went mad with joy. After a beautiful, powerful hitting from 19 yards Rogerio ball found itself helpless in the grid gate Akinfeev.

end of the first half is already overwhelming dominance of the hosts, on the 40th Min Sa Pinto maneuvered CSKA defenders, but a terrible confusion in the penalty score no one pushed the ball into the net.

Beginning the second half did not bring any changes in the system forces the pitch. In 48 min. Akinfeev has intervened so unfortunately, that was close Liedson improve the results. After a while one of the defenders gave the ball to CSKA Akinfeev, that I unthinkingly grabbed the hands. After a free throw of 12-13. Metro, however, little came of it. In 54 min. no small sample of his skills to beat Wagner Love, after his shot the ball a minimum of roundhouse post bond passed for the bar. This was the signal for further attacks visitors. On the 57th Aleksey Berezutski after centrze the right side from a free kick, not a clean hit his head completely surprised Ricardo. This was only the second shot fired by the customs CSKA players! 1:1! That hardly anyone expected in Lisbon. At the Jose Alvalade dead silence fell. In 66 min. Guests had been running 2-1. Defending dormant hosts allowed to Carvalho gave perfectly to Zhirkov, who hit the ground found the way to the grid.

in 68 minutes. Krasic plasowanym shot from a distance could increase its output. After a while, recently introduced Krasic was even closer to score the third goal. It might already be in the moment "after the match." 75. minutes clearly showed an old football truth that is not used situations to take revenge. After the action Tello and hitting with two meters in the pole Rogerio (only he knows how to not hit the net!), Carvalho - after a fast counterattack on the left side - according to no obstawionego Wagner Love, who knew what to do with the ball. 1:3! Strong blow as much as surprising. They're right, those who argued that the defense is not a monolith Sporting. Already by the end of the meeting played host chaotic they could not beat CSKA goalkeeper.

weighing 15 kg UEFA Cup went from sad night that the Portuguese capital. Few probably expecting that players take on CSKA go to Moscow!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Lawn Draintile Solutions

two young

also often happened that gunmen walked through time to change the law, once a crime: in one year, fled before the authorities made right after the killings or other violence-related offenses that carry a star in the next sheriff, or even a state sheriff. Thus, for example, Wyatt Earp (1848-1929) was a sheriff in 1875 in Wichita, in 1876, prosecuted him as a sham and accused sutenerstwo, in 1878 he was deputy sheriff in Dodge City in the state. Also

James "Wild Bill" Hickock few times he wore a star guard right: in 1869, the Ellis Country, where as the sheriff, within three months, shot four men, as a result was forced to flee, and two years later in Abilene, Kansas, where he was appointed to serve as town sheriff.

nail in the coffin of Wild Bill, who killed seven men, turned his passion for playing cards. 2 August 1876 until the saloon No.. 10 in Deadwood, Dakota, Jack McCall entered the gunman, he stood behind the seated at a table to play poker Hickockiem and with the words "I have something for you!" Shot him in the back of the head. The day before McCall Hickockiem losing at poker over $ 100.

Deadly kids real names

many gunslingers, who at the turn of the 70s and 90 Nineteenth century involved were in the famous gunfight, are virtually unknown. At that time the American West, there was a passion for broadcasting special nicknames, which in turn is often related to external characteristics, personal tastes or profession. And so Billy the Kid seldom heard his real name William Bonney, William Cody was famous as Buffalo Bill.

But not only the famous buffalo hunter of all time Bill used the nickname. Also, a gunman Crawford Goldsby African-American roots of the same name was Cherokee Bill. Almost as popular and well liked was nicknamed the Kid (kid). Confirm that synni: Billy the Kid (Bill Claiborne), the Sundance Kid, Billy the Kid McCarthy (William McCarthy), Harry the Kid (Harry Head) whether the Slaughter's Kid (George Newcomb).

For gunslingers, whose nicknames related to their external characteristics, the killer belonged Hickock Billy Jack McCall, which was called the Broken Nose Jack (Jack with a broken nose) and the Longhaired Jim (Longhair Jim) Courtright of Fort Worth, Texas. Courtright, a former soldier who fought on the side of Unionists, moved after the Civil War in Texas, where up in arms once stood on the side of the law, then again against the law - until 1887, when he was shot by Luke Short, owner of the saloon.

also gained popularity Black Jack Will, whose real name is Will Christian and was a terror in Oklahoma. In 1896, together with his band High Fives attacked a number of stagecoaches, banks and trains. Nicknamed Black Jack owes a dark complexion, and luck would have it, at the beginning 1897 years DECIDED Sheriff Fred Higgins just shot him in the Black Jack Canyon in Arizona.

- With a few exceptions - says historian Bill O'Neal - most notable gunslingers The aggressive and prone to violence. Shooting at people and they were a target for others to danger is risked, wearing sheriff's star, robbing people or tangling up in dangerous situations.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

How To Act With Indian Women Boobs

clitoris protruding labia nastki

Oh no, we all five of the story - it's probably not for us. Not true. "Pages from People's Republic" is the perfect complement home bookcases every Pole-citizen. Synthesis times

Polish People come to us, it was not for it before the story. Jakub Karpinski issued something similar in exile, an overview of major events, "Polish years," Marta Wyka has published an invaluable chronicle of recent cultural history. But the five authors of the editorial direction of our colleague has created for virtually unprecedented - the reasoning timeline history of Poles from January 1944 to - here ends the first volume in question - December 1980

I write deliberately "timeline history of the Poles" I want to stress that the main title is somewhat misleading. Yes, most here for dates and events of national history and so communist, but if counterpoint interspersed with patriotic chronicle of the Polish emigration to the country away from him and lived together. It is a moral gesture of historical accuracy. The authors have not forgotten about "natives" are excluded from official life: soldiers of the underground activists of various currents of anti-communist opposition, committed Catholics (and those rebellious, and those oriented to cooperate with the system), creators of culture.

Nay. Apart from the extremely clearly stated chronicles the "facts and people," the reader can feel the taste of post-war reality. There are in fact "cards" if only a record of political events, but also the history of society and customs. So here we learn that when the blockbuster "Red Poppies" was played in Poland in the restaurants, the guests got up and there was an unwritten ban on dancing to the rhythm of songs, while the authorities in 1948 issued a ban on the exercise, set aside until eight years later. Or that in the postwar years called for work on farms sound of sirens, "Buczków" factory and ringtones.

Sensitive to the fashion read - this is probably one of the merits of late and much lamented Barbara Łopieńskiej, co-author of volume - that in March 1949, "Cross" started to promote lejbiki - expanded pit short jackets for women, in December 1954 promoted the short-neck dress, while in September Fall 1964 Collection Fashion Polish dominated "coat-pencil, straight and narrow, but decorated with a pleat at the bottom with fur." And in the summer of 1954, George Putrament column lit the green light to play bridge, "now in the most elite boarding" began to accept that card game entertainment, previously severely condemned.

With a tear in his eye, but a grimace of surprise and read archival review of the Rolling Stones performing in Warsaw (13 Apr 1967): "Refrenistą this team is a guy with a lion's mane, his face troglodyty, dressed in a gold jacket (...). For the generation brought up on this whole movement of jazz rhythm-and-blues phenomenon is incomprehensible, "and correspondence from New York about the concert the Beatles (March 1964):" I believe the private use of the Beatles for the idols, and their performances for the denial of all entertainment. " It turns out that readers of this piece (pen Wieslaw Górnickiego, then the correspondent, "Zycie Warszawy" in the U.S.) especially outraged that the author planted the Polish audience, he did not know the band and his songs.

Such beads are a lot of volume. Let me add a few more. What were the "Democrat"? "An ironic name of Chevrolet car used in the first half of the 50s for business purposes by the representatives of the central government. " Kołchoźniki? - "Determination of the wired radio receivers in homes and private clubs, receiving a program broadcast by a public address system. " When the Polish TV debut? 25 Oct 1952 at 19.00 given to the first Polish television program. It took delivery of 24 brand TVs Leningrad in daycare settings. The issue of the studio worked two cameras and there was a temperature of 50 C. The last duel in the PRL? In January 1954 in Krakow, UJ two students on the dueling swords with a beautiful countess Szeptycka which, together with a friend, ZMP activist, served as sekundantki.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Dr. Seuss Birthday Invitation Poem

Niunia no panties on the stairs in the park

Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Construction and favorite companion of Hitler's conversations, he recalled in his memoirs one significant scene. During the conversation Fuhrer was reported that, in the hometown of his father, the local Gauleiter exhibited plaque: it's out of this world comes our great leader. Instead, rejoice and boast a zealot, Hitler suddenly fell into a rage. - How many times have I said, not to mention this area, and that a donkey Gauleiter go with something like that! Immediately remove it!

A similar attack of rage also mentions Hitler, Hans Frank, his personal attorney (and later Governor-General of the occupied Polish territories.) As written in prison before his execution he awaits his book "The Angesicht des Galgens "(In the face of the gallows) Frank mentioned that upset Hitler, and this was in the 30s, he confided to the" vile blackmail "taken by some" ugly cousin. " This one had threaten to disclose embarrassing foreign press any data on the origin of the Fuhrer. To gauge what data they can maintain the official archives, Hitler, Hans Frank, then sent to Austria.

What could discredit the growing strength of the Nazi leader, openly anti-Semitic party? Obviously admixture Jewish blood in his veins. With these allusions to Hitler, he had faced since the beginning of his career. Pisano, that gets rid of rivals, "the Jewish way." In 1933, the Daily Mirror posted photos of gravestones in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest: one of them was printed the name of Hitler. Another paper presented photos of tombstones in Jewish cemeteries Huetlerów in Austria.

Sam Hans Frank, in his prison memoirs, raised this possibility, we again reject it. He writes that in their search came upon a woman Affinity family of Hitler. She tell him that his grandmother, Maria Anna Schicklgruber once served in the Jewish family in Graz Frankenbergerów. Then I gave birth to an illegitimate son, Alois (Adolf's father), whose maintenance Frankenbergerowie several years that the money they sent. There were even some lists in support of this story.

few sentences written in the history gave rise to such thorough research of historians, such as the passage of memories lost in 1946, Hans Frank. Searched for his mysterious interlocutor, and these letters, the family searched for traces of Frankenbergerów, Mary Ann sought in the existing registers of domestic servants in Graz. All in vain. It was found, however, that the Jews from the fifteenth to the late nineteenth century were not allowed to settle in this city. A renowned German historian Werner Maser in exasperation expressed an opinion, that Hans Frank was making up the whole story.

Heil Schicklgruber!

Obviously, without mythological Frankenberger Hitler's grandfather had enough reasons to keep his origins a secret. In "Mein Kampf" only briefly and vaguely refers to the parents. The point is that the Führer, who require their citizens to provide certificates of Aryan origin, he would not be able to provide such document. His father Alois was the illegitimate child and up to 40 years of age wore her mother's maiden name: Schicklgruber. In the end he managed to find two witnesses who went with him to the local parish and ask Döllersheim Alois issue new birth certificates. Testified that his stepfather Johann Georg Hiedler (who married his mother, Maria Anna, five years after the birth of Alois) is his real father, and wished that her son bore his name. Therefore, in the register of baptism - where the birth of Alois in the "father" was previously an empty space - typed "Hitler." Witnesses (one of which was, as supposed, the actual father of Alois) does not draw attention to the new spelling of names (instead of Hitler Hiedler), simply because they were illiterate. Instead of signatures by three crosses.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Tux With Lime Green Dress

appetizing naked in the bathroom

universe is incredibly large and old. Is it possible that over several billion years in this huge area of \u200b\u200blife appeared on only one planet? Or in space no one except us? In the face of such a perspective, we feel just uncomfortable. The news of the discovery of extraterrestrial beings przyjęlibyśmy not only with curiosity, but of relief. Even if it were the simplest single-celled organisms.

Such coverage could have a Martian ocean 3.5 billion years ago (Photo: NASA)

Life in space occupied until recently only the authors of the books and science fiction enthusiasts in the radio trying to catch the sound of the Universe signals given by the Others. The discoveries made in the last decade, however, that fantasy and speculation give way to carefully planned research, and the old questions: How did life and how it evolved? Is there extraterrestrial organisms living somewhere else? What is the future of life on Earth and in space? - Return to a new dimension. Answers to astrobiology is not looking for today - a new discipline integrating almost all scientific specialties.

The moment of her birth could be set up in 1998, NASA's Astrobiology Institute. Shortly thereafter, similar centers were created in Spain, Britain, France and Australia. European offices in the newly merged network EANA (European Exo / Astrobiology Network Association), which also acts created a half years ago Polish Centre for Research in the Field of Astrobiology and related fields, based at the University of Szczecin. The speed with which astrobiology has gained international recognition, is astonishing. In plejadzie issues of interest, perhaps the most attention focused on the extent of the problems today, the conditions under which life can exist on Earth (and by analogy also to other planets and their moons).

It turns out that there are organisms on our planet that live in volcanic hot springs - at temperatures exceeding 113 ° C. Other microorganisms that live just below the surface of rocks in the extremely dry valleys of Antarctica, fully abolish temperatures down to -15 degrees C. In terms of resistance to irradiation are unrivaled rekordzistkami bacteria Deinococcus radiodurans, which can withstand a dose of 5 thousand. times the lethal to humans. No less impressive record established by bacterial spores of Bacillus subtilis - do not lose viability after six years of exposure to cosmic rays and ultraviolet radiation on the outside of one of NASA satellites okołoziemskich!

extraordinary vitality recently discovered microbial puts new light on the problem of the origin of life and interplanetary exchange organisms. The concept of warm and tranquil pond Darwin as an incubator, which would have created life on our planet has only a few supporters. More and more researchers believe that the first living organisms emerged in volcanic hot springs underwater. In this world of eternal darkness, huge pressures and high temperatures, the whole complex ecosystems function, whose existence was not so long ago we did not have the slightest idea.

to making bold hypotheses have led us organic compounds discovered in meteorites belonging to the class of carbonaceous chondrites, where in addition to 70 kinds of amino acids found sugars, aldehydes, alcohols, and all sorts of aromatic hydrocarbons. Most of the surveyed meteorite was no more than 500 million years after the birth of the Sun (ie

4-4.5 billion years ago). Since the complex reactions of organic synthesis has already occurred at the earliest stages of evolution of the solar system, it might just then came the first fruits of life? Maybe they are still traces in the matter of the protoplanetary disk, which has survived almost intact in the nuclei of comets? The answer to these questions, we know in 2014, when the comet Churyumov-Gerasimienko European probe Rosetta will land. Natural

space vehicles by which simple organisms could reach the Earth from space, are meteorites. Critics of the concept of cosmic origins of life, until recently believed that none of the organisms in a meteorite przeżyłyby long stay in interplanetary space (not to mention landing on Earth, which in the case of meteorites rarely soft). Recent experiments have shown, however, is another. Common bacterial spores Baccilus subtilis were confined in different materials (the meteorite), and sent them into a simulated space travel. It turned out that if they were not exposed to ultraviolet light destroys the DNA, much of it was in! Some survived the thermal and kinetic effects of impact with the Earth, provided that a meteorite carrying them was not too small, and during the flight through the atmosphere firing underwent only the surface layer. Showed similar resistance to other microbes bezjądrowe - Archea and photosynthetic bacteria called blue-green algae.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Florida Gator Birthday Card

młódka Redhead girl posing first time Super blondi

World goin 'probably from the beginning. The fact that people say so centuries, and the world is to be good, does not mean that this thesis is false. The world goes to the dogs, and then is reborn again going to the dogs and so on. Tolerable order is getting worse, until finally it becomes unbearable for such a large minority that is needed revolutionary change. At this point we were about two years ago - shortly after the outbreak of the Profumo case. If

then shook Polish politics just like shook public awareness had flown the head, if the Prime Minister covering the affair immediately revoked if the ruling majority instead of playing for time and underestimated, immediately began a radical repair, change could be made at little cost. Because the government did not keep pace with changing expectations, started a revolution. The first wave

A few months later, what the Rywin not much objection raised, widely seen as deviation. Even the president, who attacked the system kernel, after all, spoke of "inappropriate contacts" elite politics, business and media. A measure of the revolution that occurred in their heads may be the same Lew Rywin. A few days before detention starts telling me about the events of 2002, said: "Then it was normal." I asked if his opinion today, it is not normal. He replied: "Today everything is different." I think that's right. In 2003, we experienced the first phase of a moral revolution. After years of pragmatism into the mainstream of public life came back convinced that politics is important not only effective and right, but especially honesty. Been attributed to the subject is likely to attract mixed feelings moralists civil rights restored. As during each revolution of Naqada and written mass uncreated stupid, but it could not stop it. Revolution can easily forgive the errors, and they stubbornly continues the old order, this is her forgiveness comes easily.

Today, the camp of that power practically does not exist. Not because the Polish economy badly managed that it ruined the finances or health, that unemployment is high, that badly run office. That is now the politicians do not ask. He is not because voters think it was immoral. The growing popularity of PiS is exactly that for the first time, a huge group of Poles do not elect according to their interests or political views, but according to the criterion of fairness. Because in fact nothing more than PiS no promises. State Fair has become the first article of political needs.

enhancers and ultras

Adam Michnik recently broke his silence to observe the erudite essay against the radicals, "ultrasami moral revolution." This warning should be taken seriously. The problem is that for today's ultras Adam Michnik is a demon attacked the order. It has long been irritated by his political influence, the ability to shape public imagination and determination of standards. From the perspective of inter ultras defenders of the old order and the people like Michnik - let's call them poprawiaczami - there is no significant difference.

enhancers for the ultras are actually groźniejsi than the outgoing defense order: corrupt, largely harmful, but already tame, something taught in the course of the exercise of power, and certainly hostile to the revolution ultras. This closes the path to a common front, while the intentions of repairs are often similar. Opposition to the revolution ultras repairers is rotten defense policy.

Monday, May 9, 2005

What Are Some Brands Of Rock Climbing Equipment?

with a bottle in my pussy Blond exposes

According to the survey, as many as 60 percent. Poles believe that the poor African countries are entitled to assistance. But only 4 percent. one of us agrees that Poland should be jointly responsible for this assistance. Wojciech
Spirewski / 2005-05-08
happens that a mediocre work of art contains a small element, saving the entire project. Although the famous film by Roland Emmerich The Day After Tomorrow "about a new ice age (which hits the northern hemisphere of the globe) can be found a little finesse and artistry of the film (except for special effects), is the unequivocal criticism saves him panic escape the scene," American refugees, crossing the Mexican border to the Rio Grande river in the hope of refuge before the catastrophic storm approaching from the north and glaciation. Sanctuary turns out to be the southern part of the globe, the territories of the Third World.

terms 'Third World' is used interchangeably with the term "developing countries". Growing? So we can say about Albania, but in many countries in Africa, even Ethiopia, this statement is not in place.

When the eyes of the world are facing the Middle East, as the unstable situation, albeit in another form, there is a various parts of Africa. Failing states do not constitute a threat to us because of his mediocre military capabilities, economic or organization, their activities do not have a major impact on the level of security in Europe or America - to time. "The risk to refrain from taking action today is too big to human reason and conscience are not rebelled against the idle" - Zygmunt Bauman writes. Reason tells protect their works, security and peace of mind. A conscience?

Carla Del Ponte, Chief Prosecutor of the Hague Court of the United Nations War Crimes in former Yugoslavia is adamant that "the Sudanese Darfur is now the most important. There are committing a crime against humanity. " Almost at the same time in one country comes to the peace agreements (South Sudan), and intense conflict, called the greatest humanitarian catastrophe of the modern world (Darfur Province). Wojciech Jagielski wrote in a reportage from Darfur in "Gazeta Wyborcza": "Forward, Arab nomads on horses and camels surrounded villages, but usually only attack if they perform their job of pilots and gunners deck military helicopters and airplanes. Air attack is a signal for the commencement of murder, rape and looting. " BBC journalist who managed to reach one of the centers for the refugees, she wrote: "Darfur is a nightmare dream, which became a reality." Janina Ochojska described in the "TP" misery and despair of the Sudanese people from this province, where conflict has claimed over 50,000 victims, and some 1.5 million forced to leave their native land.

murder in Darfur takes place with the acquiescence and even support of the Sudanese Government. Significantly, this act of horrific carnage is almost absent in the minds of our society. Where the voices calling for Western intervention in Sudan? This massacre shows relativism in the approach to crime.

Darfur is not the only one. To the horrific acts of violence occur even in a (bordering on the south of Sudan), the Democratic Republic of Congo. After last year's reports of one of the humanitarian organizations to investigate this issue initiated the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Stories about throwing people into the boiler and pulling them to heart or liver for consumption appear to be at least distasteful fantasy, or the history of ancient times, but in this country operates openly cannibalism.

The ranking socio-economic development, which is developing a program of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Poland is on the 37th place among 177 countries surveyed. We are one of the twenty-five members of the organization with significant potential and ability to shape global policy - the European Union.

"Poland can afford to help," - said in November last year, the former head of our diplomacy Cimoszewicz. He supported the same action "Poland is a paradise for more than one billion poorest people of the world", an initiative by all means necessary and useful. At the start of that program, conducted opinion polls. As one result, as much as 60 percent. Poles believe that poor African countries are entitled to assistance, but only 4 percent. agrees that Poland should be jointly responsible for this assistance.

These are the main source of the problem, and not just in this particular case, but in many omissions stifling the activity of Polish society - avoidance and shifting responsibility to others. We can not too strongly the activities of international organizations, but through its policy initiatives and programs can lead to the transformation of statements into tangible results. The forces we have limited, but we are not deprived of voting rights.

policy in their own region should be a priority, but we can not defend itself against the global order. Global dimension should also be our sense of morality and solidarity. Humanitarian operations are a clear point of our involvement, many countries contributes to peace, among others supporting the "blue berets" the UN - it's all a lot, but still not enough.

It is worth reminding yourself that passionate advocate of aid to African countries John Paul II was. Surprising that only 4 percent. Poles are prepared to follow the teaching of the Pope.

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Do You Like Wearing Spandez For Volleyball

Threesome by the pool

Universities should set tuition fees under the plan costs. They do not do this, the hard for them to prove that inflate tuition! However, it is a chance that tuition fees have fallen in Poland up to about 90 percent.

first-year law student, Thomas Smith, for their extramural studies at the Jagiellonian University zł pays 4400 a year. His colleague Raphael studying day and not pay anything. Meanwhile, Tom has two times less classes than Raphael. The assumption must therefore pay two times less. Furthermore, if under the law of one third of the average cost of education has covered the state budget, Tom did not pay tuition for more than 1100 zł. Pay tuition fees by 80 percent. lower than today. Why is it that Tom has to fork out huge money and like the majority of students paying tuition can not pay for the actual cost of education?

Payment of fees other than the costs of education spending is currently at state universities, almost on the agenda. Money from the fees cover, among others bonuses for teachers, new buildings, renovations. It's illegal. - Charges are taken from the ceiling, not on the basis of cost plans, which schools should be calculated, and they do not do this - it thunders Jacek Grandmother, famous for its struggle against the system of paid study.

Universities violate the rules for determining tuition fees, in fact does not make any specific plans to pay the costs of teaching. Thus, these costs do not affect the charges. Although such applications have already reached the SCC two years ago, after an audit of 25 state universities, since then, unfortunately, little has changed. Students are paying more and still not know for what Bula, and the universities argue that they are unable to calculate. That's why after an examination and an interview with Jack grandmother in the previous issue of "why" we have decided to launch the campaign under the slogan "Obniżmy tuition."

The situation is so interesting and promising that at the moment before the Constitutional Court proceedings are taking place concerning the unconstitutionality of the charges. Although the matter may be brought in even a year yet, for the first time there is a real chance that the situation may in the near future to change. Then the Polish universities there would be a revolution. If the Tribunal determines that fees are not calculated accurately on the basis of the plan costs, will force the universities to develop detailed plans, and thereby prevent the inflated tuition fees, investment fees calculated in the academic and other non-student cost of education. Students will have the right to receive accurate statement, for which he pays, and universities - the obligation to disclose the components of the tuition. The amount of tuition at state universities would then fall from 30 to 90 percent. In extreme cases, the charging can be completely unfounded.

why universities do not prepare detailed cost study? - We can not outsource the costs for individual classes. Too many components falls within their scope - explains Miroslaw Glowacki, Nicolaus Copernicus University bursar.

- This is obvious nonsense and the usual wymigiwanie up! Every year the costs are similar, they can be assessed and counted for another year. But universities know what the costs incurred by them. The more so that everyone knows head of studies and dean of the faculty. If you can plan your budget, the more universities - says Waldemar Gręda, president of the Association of Defense Student Rights, Freedoms and SOS. - The university is preparing a plan and financial kind, but without a detailed calculation - says Glowacki.

Friday, May 6, 2005

How Send New Clothes To Mexico

naked body of a super sweet girl blondes

Ricardo Muti, one of the most applauded conductors of the world, nearly 20 years as a director exercises the famous La Scala, was forced to resign. His head demanded that members of the orchestra, choir, ballet and other employees. As you can see, in the Milan theater phantom of contention is not asleep. In 1986, a similar split with La Scala Muti's predecessor, the great Claudio Abbado.

Message Resignations Muti message across during the performance of "Giselle." Someone in the audience shouted "Vivat orchestra." Most muttered shocked. At the musicians could see the faces of bewilderment. While it is they who have declared allegiance to your conductor. March 16. vote for his resignation told almost everyone - stopped by just three people, and two were opposed. "The fact that something in the pot boiling, it was known for over two years, but they were problems that could be resolved," she said later in an interview for "Vanity Fair" Muti's wife, Cristina.

conflict erupted in earnest in February this year when the Board dismissed the Teatro alla Scala enjoys a reputation as a good manager, the chief executive, Carl Fontana. It is thanks to his efforts in 2002 was initiated a major refurbishment of the theater. Eighteenth-century mansion, designed by architect Giuseppe Piermariniego, was not only restored, but also upgraded at a cost of 61 million euros. It is entrusted to Fontana 19 years ago as director of music at La Scala Mutiemu, then a young, good reputation entity of the conductor, who, however, many missing the world leaders. Fontana since the beginning of pandering Muti, malicious comment that gave him the finger, and Muti took the whole hand. In recent years, Fontana began increasingly to complain about a financial statement of the theater, the director complained too much profligacy. Muti, as artists, not really wanted to listen to these utyskiwań. Faithful to the board appealed to him so Fontana, appointing in his place at the instigation of Maura Mewiego Muti - the guitarist with more than modest achievements. The orchestra announced the strike premiere. As the first Prime Minister, fell out of the ballet "Europe". La Scala was on the deliberations of the Italian Senate. Yet another canceled show. Muti felt increasingly isolated. In late March, several times a newspaper circulated about the fact that he resigned, but they were denied. Conductor has the final decision until April. The brief statement to the press said: "Despite the assurances of respect and recognition from the Board Teatro alla Scala reluctance manifested in such an explicit way by the people with whom I worked for nearly 20 years, makes further cooperation became impossible. The common practice of music should based on harmony and trust. Making music is not only a team work. "

Commoners and music lovers

Muti's departure has divided Milan. For the conductor told the majority of music lovers and theater goers. The distinction between necessary because not every music lover and connoisseur of music can visit at La Scala - ticket prices for this year's season opener on the black market came to 2.5 thousand. dollars. On the other hand, not every avatar is a connoisseur and lover of music. Milan is a premiere event for not only cultural but also social. The average Italian does not have a clue What was the music program, but it knows in what appeared Afef Tronchetti Provera, the wife of a co-owner and president of establishments Pirellego Telecom. It is no secret that during each theatrical release in the foyer is an unofficial contest for the most bizarre creation.

Music lovers at one of the last concert Muti threw leaflets in which the master apologize for the shameful behavior of the orchestra. But not everyone shares this opinion. Although no one doubts virtuosity Muti, a lot of people complaining that turned into La Scala in the private realm. Is an open secret, that the doors of the theater became a living financiers and supporters of Berlusconi. La Scala is a foundation headed by the mayor, Gabriele Albertini (from Berlusconi's party Forza Italia), vice president Bruno Ermoli, an adviser to Berlusconi, the president of the Filarmonica della Scala (Orchestra created 22 years ago by Abbad like the Vienna Philharmonic) - Fedele Confalonieri, president of commercial television Canale 5 belonging to the holding company Mediaset, owned by Italian Prime Minister.

Environment theater near deny that the crisis is political, but you can not fail to note that while the representatives of Right believe that the departure Muti is a great loss not only to La Scala, but for the whole of Milan, so far, according to the left, the theater had to be "cast" the city. Marilena Adamo, Vice-President of the Municipal Council of Milan, coming from the DS Party (Leftist Democrats) said bluntly: "Milan walked without Abbad, Muti will survive and walk away."
one exception to the rule is known for its conservative taste, a friend of the Italian Prime Minister, the director Franco Zeffirelli, who has already repeatedly spoke out against the governments of Muti, and after his resignation did not conceal his satisfaction. - I was hoping that this happens, it was unavoidable. La Scala, Muti has become a theater, an area of \u200b\u200babsolute power and hegemony. Muti leading feature of the rule was for years his private career.

Some people try to give a territorial dimension of conflict. Muti is Neapolitan by birth, at the Conservatory diploma in piano, probably because few local columnists zaryzykowało thesis that nielubiąca south midnight had plotted a conspiracy against Mutiemu. While similar mechanisms operate in Italy, it is certainly not so with Muti. Conductor lives in Ravenna, and Milan is linked to since college, he received his spurs conducting.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Bubble Above Rook Piercing

refine their holes

To realize the majesty of the current king of the skies, you have to stand before him face to face. It was given to me at the Toulouse factory and does not hide that I was equally impressed with how great the aircraft itself. Passengers do not have the opportunity to experience it - see the machine away from the door to the airport, and when they fall by the sleeve terminal to board, they can only admire its interior.


A380 viewed from close up is admirable for designers and builders. Imagine a plane the size of a football field sizeable - the length of the hull reaches 73 m, a wingspan of 80 m. The back of white flesh, opasanego double chain of over two hundred windows, is roughly the fourth floor of the average block of flats, a blue vertical tail rear tail reaches of the ninth floor. All this, together with the passengers and crew, weighs 560 tons (a cargo ship, fully loaded, up 590 tonnes) and years at a speed of over 900 km / hr. And this makes it quieter and cheaper than his great predecessor Boeing 747 It seems that over the next few years will be the flagship of the aviation passenger ship.

question is, what determined the size of the new aircraft? Well, when ten years ago, Airbus has created a department that had designed the machine, asked the world's largest carriers - its potential buyers - and representatives of about 60 major airports to express their expectations. The latter was interested in size - a typical position of parking for large aircraft at airports is a square of side 80 m, which should enter the new machine. Carriers pay attention mainly to the high level of safety, capacity, low cost operation, ease of maintenance and the possibility of various adaptation - depending on your needs - the passenger compartment. The result is a machine on the entire length of the hull double deck and lower deck of the freight to underpin a piece for the passengers. It is worth recalling that the Jumbo Jet also has a top floor - a characteristic hump just behind the cockpit, thanks to which is most easily recognizable plane in the world - but it is small compared to the basic deck.

The A380 fuselage cross-section elliptical (7.14 x 8.5 m) pomieszczono 555 seats in a typical configuration is divided into three classes (First - 22 seats, and business - 96 and Interest - 437). If the carrier wants to fill the entire space tourist seats, the plane can accommodate up 853. It is possible that some people wish to do so with a view to chartering of such machines to carry spectators to the great sporting events, or pilgrims to the holy places. The newest

long could be given a list of the latest solutions used in the A380. A giant machine is a showcase of possibilities of science and technology - materials engineering, technology, manufacturing of aircraft, engines, automation, computing and many other fields, and the perfect organization of work. First of all, the mass of the aircraft had to be reconciled with his strength. From the outset the designers struggled to trim its structure - to get rid of every pound is lower fuel consumption and fewer emissions, less expensive operation.

50 percent. weight components are aluminum alloys, 25 percent. - Composites (22 per cent. - Plastics reinforced with carbon fiber, and 3 percent. - Laminate of fiberglass and metal GLARE first used in civil aircraft). GLARE (Glass Reinforced) is przekładańcem layers of fiberglass and epoxy resin composite duralumin. Such material is not only lighter and stronger than duralumin, but also resistant to corrosion and fire. Covering the top cover of the hull to save approximately 800 kg. The composites are also called built. centerwing caisson - the link between the wings to the hull (saves about 1.5 tons) and the rear fuselage.

Fighting for every kilo, appealed to all Airbus aircraft equipment suppliers to make an effort to shrink them up, without sacrificing their functionality. Saved in this way include On the seat, the seat mounted in the liquid-crystal displays, the kitchen equipment, as well as on the lamps used during takeoff and landing even the position lights. University of Toulouse has developed a new technology for painting the aircraft, which allowed pocienić coat with a micrometer, which resulted in saving of 80 kilograms, or as much as the weight of one passenger.


A380 is the most environmentally friendly of all long-distance runners. Will burn only 2.9 liters per 100 km per passenger, less than many of today's cars. It is through the use of lightweight materials and new, specially designed for him, engines. Existing ones were either too weak or too strong and too expensive. So Airbus has signed with Rolls-Royce and Engine Alliance (a joint venture Pratt & Whitney and General Electric) contract for the construction of new power units for the A380. The first company built Trent 900 engine, the second GP 7200th The aircraft is powered by four engines. The machine, which is already summer, is equipped with Trent 900 engines

A380 meets the most stringent requirements with a vengeance, both in terms of the level of noise emitted as exhaust. Airbus boasts that the new plane is not only about 35 percent. Jumbo Jet quieter than (during take-off, even by half), but also consumes about 12 percent. less fuel. He has at the same time takes a longer range and more than 100 passengers, so the service can be up to

20 percent. cheaper. Not surprisingly, the first buyers was already begun before the assembly of the first unit.

most convenient

Everyone knows that the narrowest bottleneck of a typical aircraft is the same entrance and vestibule. Spacious hall, wide staircase from the main deck at the top and disputes bar located underneath the A380 makes an impression that we were on board, rather than oceanic aircraft. Passenger compartment is compared with Jumbo wider by 45 cm, which was used to expand and move seats. Expanded the shelves for luggage and easier access to them - when inserting or removing the luggage can be much lower. Each passenger is faced with (mounted in the back seat), the monitor for watching one of the many multimedia programs, computer games and other entertainment. He has constant access to the Internet and can send text messages. And what about the use of mobile phones on board? There are no technical obstacles to use them, but - he asks rhetorically, a representative of Airbus - Would you like to travel by plane, where the phone rings constantly and loudly talking to someone? However, if the buyer wants a such a possibility, the factory will meet this demand.

offers true luxury in first class - where the seats are arranged so that passengers can almost isolated from each other. Headrest, backrest and footrest shape of the chair can be adjusted according to its convenience, and a push of a button turns it into a comfortable couch. Each place has its own communication with the world, which allows contact with the company, family or friends. Since

A380 will be flying long distances, thought of passengers of all classes, to counteract the syndrome long journey. Prepared programs to encourage physical activity (displayed on monitors) that anyone can do. Staff will also be encouraged to move it from its place and pospacerowania the plane. A is the place to go.

A380 takes 35 percent. more passengers than the Jumbo, but it has a larger surface area by half. This is the surplus was used to create a space open to the public: spacious entrance, bar, and rear of the hull relaxation club room and board shop. On the lower deck compartment or space has been created for passengers, which indicates cabins with shower and a roaster. If the client wishes, you can do everything there - a restaurant, casino, children's room, a fitness club or couches. Indeed, the A380 is so trójpokładowym plane.

In areas where, for technical reasons, no windows, replaced by a liquid crystal screen, which displays the image of the horizon corresponding to the time of day. A night on the ceiling appears a starry sky, giving the illusion of air travel with an open roof. This stuff has ordered the first customer.

most international

in the history of aviation have any airliner in order not to produce an extensive, international cooperation. Airbus has signed more than 200 major contracts with over a hundred companies from around the world. Used to a maximum of specialization of different plants - in Germany, formed elements of the hull, wings in England, Spain, rear tail and landing gear, cockpits in France, other countries, dozens of different components. To ensure a smooth supply chain, created the entire transportation system - was built special ships, boats and kits road for transporting bulky parts. Laid out and adapted to the transport route, and developed new tools that allow you to accurately plan production. It is estimated that for the A380 program operates the world's approximately 100 thousand. people.

biggest success?

with Airbus forecasts that over the next 20 years passenger traffic worldwide will grow at a rate of 5.3 percent. per year (5.9 percent marks.). To meet this demand, need to be 21 759 passenger aircraft with more than 100 seats, including 16 601 new and 3,139 cargo (727 new, most of the rise from the treatment of end-passenger aircraft.) The value of this market is estimated at 1.9 trillion dollars. The largest aircraft will have to take small, wąskokadłubowe (63 per cent. New supply), but the need for large exceeds 10 percent. and is estimated at 1,648 units (including the freighters). Currently, five cities in the world has more than 20 million inhabitants, in 2020 there will be 16, including 10 in the Far East. To handle traffic between them necessary will be large machines. So Airbus is no doubt that the A380 will not only technologically, but also economic success. Moreover, without such a belief is not invested in the program to build a new giant of about 12 billion euros. For comparison - the highest (343 m) in the world Millau Viaduct over the Tarn River, opened last year in France, costing approximately 0.4 billion euros, and the nuclear aircraft carrier Charles-de-Gaulle - 3 billion.

Another approach to the future is Boeing. His forecast is different when it comes to demand for large airplanes (400), but it is consistent on the core: transport passenger in the next 20 years will increase threefold. Americans believe that people do not like big airports and connections on them. Therefore, opt for mid-size airplanes will fly to small airports. Designed so its long-haul 787 Dreamliner, which is to take up to 300 passengers. The new aircraft will enter service in 2008, if you collect enough orders to justify the start of production. Anyway, in this class Airbus does not intend to give the field - has been their long-distance runner A330/A340 and proceeded to develop the A350, which is to be a competitor to the Dreamliner.

who chose a better way? Airbus already has 154 orders for the A380. Most - as many as 43 machines (including two freighters A380F) - contracted Air Emirates, Lufthansa bought a 15, 12 Quantas Airway from Australia, 10, Air France and Singapore Airlines. In the last week finalized a deal with China Southern Airlines for five machines. Federal Express has contracted 10 freighters. The list of customers, carriers are also Korean, Thai and Filipino. Take a "wait for the moment British Airways and other big airlines, among other Japanese and American. No wonder - the aircraft costs about 264-286 million dollars. The factory in Toulouse, France can now produce four A380s a month, but is prepared to increase productivity. To reach viability, Airbus must sell 250 of these aircraft. Expects that the sale of over a thousand. Will he succeed?

tar bucket

current king of the skies is highly controversial among experts. There is no lack of votes, that such a large aircraft, especially when I need to handle in a short time a few, can clog the airport. The Airbus argues big machines that reduce congestion, it is easier to check one of these aircraft than three small. Already at the design stage it was assumed that full support for the A380 should close in 90 mins (exchange of passengers by three doors - the output is 14 min, entry 22 min, 37 min Exchange catering, unloading and loading luggage 68 minutes, fueling 48 min). What will really find out next year, when the first machines will regularly fly. Whether and how quickly the publicity, will decide in the end passengers. Airbus is a quiet - no aircraft to date does not give such a comfort.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Birthday On Same Day Compatible

sex with a teenager on a pool table

According to Branson's new approach to the recruitment of forced competition among international companies. They offer more and more technologically sophisticated products and services, improving their offer virtually every day. A slight upgrade of the product sold does not provide a competitive advantage so long. Innovations are needed, of which it had never dreamed anyone. For them, inter alia, based on its strategy for company 3M. The company expects that the most you can earn on what no one has ever sold. - We want our people to do things completely innovative - Livio DeSimone said in an interview Businessman Magazine.

This approach to development strategy requires an unusual style of work crew. Employees with a bias toward the traditional thinking, rozumujący based on the classical logic of cause and effect, are not able to generate enough good ideas. That is why Richard Branson hires people based on only one criterion - just talking with candidates and assess whether he likes it or not. Decide based on their own impression. In this way he manages to create teams of people with very unusual educational background and past, believe in none of the stereotypes and limitations. When these groups are working, first considering a goal far beyond the conventional image. Only then analyze the path to it. This established, among others Virgin Atlantic.

the highly competitive airline market giants, Branson has created an entirely new line. It was created based on a simple principle: to offer the highest quality service for the lowest prices. Except that under the normal rules of management of these contradictions can not be reconciled. But Branson has prices much lower than major competitors - British Airways, Lufthansa and SAS. But the economy class passengers have a TV in every seat and Business Class can order a free massage. - Tell Richard that something is impossible, and not divert him from realizing this - explained the reasons for the success of the carrier David Tait, head of the U.S. branch of the company in an interview with a reporter Business & Strategy.

- Secret workers, who make seemingly impossible things, lies in simplicity - Marcus Orlovsky believes. - They just do not care what the consultants tell the difference, but they can bring the problem to be really necessary, basic elements and then solve it.

While rebuilding the City of London Orlovsky'ego people worked in this way. Instead of listening to experts who piętrzyli problems, they decided to do things his way. They began to work in elementary, childish way. Drew up a list of tasks that had to be done to achieve the goal. Then spread out each of these tasks at the most fundamental factors. Then he found the order of work on them. Once you know the time limits, they in turn outsource tasks outside specialists. They gave the entire project implementation, which may seem overwhelming. Ordered any external small task, and we coordinate the whole. With 2.5 billion pounds from investors interested in the activity in the rebuilt city could afford it. - have done in the simplest and most obvious - says Orlovsky. - Nobody it had not fallen, because nobody thought so complicated that task may be so elementary.

Likewise, the simplicity speaks Johansen. - One of the first of Martin Group have been smoke-producing machinery in the discos - says the founder of the company. - came into touch with this product in a store. It weighed an awful lot. I bought it, stripped for parts and it turned out that the inside is just junk. Half of the parts meet the unnecessary features. Home-built so three times lighter and simpler machine with ... the coffee machine. It turned out that that the shop and my work as well. So we started to mass produce these devices and send to the United States.

Martin Group was not yet at that time money on advertising. People Johansen fell so in a completely contradictory manner. They booked the most expensive in the best magazines. Then he delivered a controversial ad, hoping that the editors did not agree to publish them. In the pictures shown was the advertising model, which can escape from between the thighs smoke. After the bottom of the inscription: Only God gives better hell.

ads were rejected, but the message Chapters newspaper ads quickly got to journalists. You began to apply for interviews with Johansen. And he did not refuse to provide a publicity. At the same time Martin Group mad strategists prepared a trap for U.S. competitors. They expected that, much more powerful producers take retaliatory action when they realize that Martin sells its products by 300 percent. cheaper than they are.

Johansen met with journalists so only in private. Persuaded them that they could just sell their products cheaply, because the last two years the Danish government subsidizes two thirds of the exports of machinery. However, they asked for discretion and maintain this information for yourself.

Rumor quickly went to the competition, which ... began to urge their clients not to buy artificially subsidized products. Those learning that low price is not related to poor quality, they do exactly the opposite. Surprised that U.S. producers no longer take any action. They recognized that when, after two years, finished the Danish grant, Johansen himself withdrawn from the market. Not so focused on streamlining its products, Johansen and grow in strength. - And employees matched normal way I would plan such a scenario? - Johansen smiles. - If you want to win, hire insane.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Small Bubbles Lower Lip

rod pushes the toy in pussy

Professor, it is not easy to persuade your reflection on the American massacre in the 65th anniversary of the crime. And yet you are not committed to the death of the Katyn massacre in the minds of the West, primarily the United States. The Lord's thesis of 1948 on the responsibility for the massacre of Polish officers four years later led to the adoption by Congress of the report the famous Madden, and your book "Death in the Forest" to survive until the translations into 14 languages. Addressing this issue has brought fierce attempt to eliminate you from the circuit, including three attacks on your life. Also, the involvement of many Americans who have tried to avoid forgetting this terrible crime, did not get them to health. What do you feel when the Third Republic with high honors awards for revealing the crimes of 48 Poles, Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, and not an american?

Please do not expect any comment from me. Someone else will think that the appeal to ... History is patient and fair judge. She will evaluate.

This is a very real issue. In a large extent determined by the foreign policy of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the Katyn massacre, which ran in 1943-1945. Practically since the discovery of the crime to his death.

Indeed, the diplomatic documents available on this distinguished naiveté zdawkowość or even lie by silence and concealment. So I had to rely on witnesses, direct observers or participants in the "Katyn affair". I conducted direct interviews with the professor. George Kennan - the U.S. chargé d'affaires in Moscow in the years 1944-1946, Prime Minister Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, General Wladyslaw Anders, commander of the Polish Army in the Soviet Union, Jozef Czapski, who was looking for Polish prisoners of war there, the three ambassadors, eight generals, a colonel U.S. Army, John H. Van Vliet - witness the exhumation of German at Katyn, as well as one of the secretaries of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. This allowed the construction of a coherent image of Roosevelt's policy towards the Katyn.

Allied policy depend only on three people: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. All agreements and obligations arising therefrom, as well as differences of opinion were determined on their personal meetings. Therefore, the pressure was on them - and it is poorly stated - huge. Atlantic Charter, Tehran, Yalta - these are some examples of this pressure. Distancing themselves from Roosevelt to justify, it must be said that in 1943, when the Germans found the graves in Katyn, his situation was very difficult. It was connected with the situation on the fronts of the war.

U.S. Air Force conducted the first raid on Germany. Allied intelligence has discovered that the Germans in three independent research centers are working on an atomic bomb. Iraq declared war on Germany. Enduring battle for Kaserin Pass in North Africa. In Washington, the conference began on Allied convoys. There were also conferences in Bermuda, and Trento. Army of von Paulus surrendered at Stalingrad. The Red Army won the Kursk, and four months later, four million German and Soviet soldiers fought in the Kursk in the largest tank battle of World War II. There were internal problems with the supply of raw materials. In addition, the U.S. president was under pressure from the 38 nations seeking military aid and she was given. It lasted for Lend-Lease program, under which the Soviet Union handed over 7 million pairs of shoes; England - 50 destroyers, the underground Polish State - $ 10 million. Etc.

In Nawal these issues and pressure on the president are discovered by the Germans near Smolensk graves of Polish officers.